Crow’s Nest Foods Gets a Fresh Online Presence with Q LTD
Great brands have a great story. And local entrepreneur Jeff Maharg had cooked up a crafty tale behind his Crow’s Nest Foods when the Q crew had the opportunity to collaborate with him on marketing support for his M’harrrg Pirate Sauce.
We learned the origins of the pirate legend, about the local ingredients, and about the balance of heat to flavor that makes this local hot sauce unique. Then we went to work to provide design, writing, website, email and social assets. To establish an online presence and connect Jeff’s retail and online sales, we chose to launch the new Crow’s Nest Foods site on the Square platform.
Be on the lookout for M’harrrg Pirate Sauce available at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market and other Michigan merchants or order online if you are at a far flung location across the sea. Q LTD has provided branding, design, and web development for both local and global clients for more than 35 years.